Beef Suet (Tallow)

Beef Suet (Tallow)


Suet is the raw, hard fat found in beef.

It’s main use is in tallow. It is also used in cooking, as it’s high smoke point makes it ideal for deep frying and pastry baking.

Our suet comes in a 5 lb. vacuum sealed bag.

How to render:

1) Trim the suet so that you only have pure, white suet.

2) Cut your suet into small pieces.

2) Place the suet into a crockpot. Cover with 4 c. of water and add a few tablespoons of salt. (The salt helps draw out impurities.)

3) Let your suet cook on low for 5-6 hours, or until is has completely melted.

4) Using a cheese cloth, strain your suet into a metal bowl.

5) Place the metal bowl of suet in the refrigerator overnight, or until it has solidified and separated from water, now you have tallow!

6) Remove the tallow from the bowl and use however you’d like: cooking oil, mix with whipped butter, skincare, etc.

(You can repeat this process as many times as you wish to completely get rid of impurities.)

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